This is unpublished
In addition to a rich academic calendar from the Department of Medicine and other specialties, our division hosts multiple conferences and educational activities:

- Seattle Area Chest Grand Rounds (weekly): a case-based clinical conference with fellows presenting unknown pulmonary and critical care cases to faculty
- Fellows Teaching Conference (weekly): interactive small group sessions focused on core curricular content for PCCM fellows
- PCCSM Grand Rounds (monthly): focused clinical or research topics for faculty and fellows delivered by UW faculty and visiting speakers
- Pulmonary Research Seminar (bimonthly): current research presentations by faculty and fellows
- Research Works in Progress (weekly): discussion of basic/translational research projects
- Clinical Research Works in Progress (weekly): discussion of clinical research projects
- Clinician Educator Works in Progress (quarterly): discussion of education-related scholarship
- Exercise Physiology Study Group (weekly): cardiopulmonary exercise testing and exercise physiology
- PCCSM Journal Club (monthly): this evening session is hosted by a faculty member with discussion of original research led by a fellow
In addition, each medical center has a number of educational conferences that fellows participate in while on clinical services.